Regulatory Disclosures

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Brasada Investment Process_UnderstandUnderstand



Scour our securities universe and narrow our scope based on qualitative and quantitative criteria:

  • Earnings, quality, valuation screens
  • Company meetings
  • Reading investment and trade publications
  • Conferences (live & virtual)
  • Talking to other investors
  • General reading

Brasada Investment Process_GaugeGauge


Internal Research

  • Earnings: Momentum, macro and micro drivers
  • Quality Growth : Balance Sheet & Cash Flow
  • Appraisal: Underwrite appropriate range of values

External Research

  • Meet with Sell-Side analysts and subject matter experts
  • Meet with company management

Brasada Investment Process_CustomizeCustomize


Risk Management

  • Timing: Assess timeliness of underlying allocation.
  • Sizing: Ensure appropriate position size
  • Exposure: Ensure appropriate industry and sector diversification.

Brasada Investment Process_ImplementImplement


Capital Allocation & Continual Risk Management

  • Initiate: Establish a position
  • Monitor: Regularly monitor underlying fundamentals and security performance.
  • Assess Expectations: Seek and obtain new and relevant information to weigh against the current thesis

Brasada Investment Process_OversightOversight


Opportunity Cost Assessment

  • Cost of Capital: Continually reassess the current thesis against existing opportunity costs
  • Revisit: Reassess previous ideas passed on but placed on watchlist
  • Recycle: Reallocate capital to superior ideas when presented